The Proceedings of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

Since January 2023, the journal of the Academy, Bulletin des Séances / Mededelingen der Zittingen has been renamed Proceedings of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (PRAOS). The aim of the new journal is to be more efficient, particularly by better spreading and sharing scientific research through overseas countries, while respecting high quality publication standards.

In addition to the publication of papers presented during Academy’s meetings, the new journal includes, under the supervision of an editorial board, various types of original texts such as research papers, review articles, letters to the editor, short reports of field work and book reviews. Contributions can be sent to the following address:

Vol. 1 n°1
(125 pp., 2023)

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Vol. 1 n°2
(157 pp., 2023)
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Vol. 2 n°1
(153 pp., 2024)


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