Prizes and scholarship


In honour of some of its members, the Academy awards periodically prizes and a scholarship.


Lucien Cahen Prize for Geology

In memory of Lucien Cahen and his research in the field of overseas geology, a prize has been set up. This prize, amounting to 2,500 euro, is intended to reward the author of a highly valued scientific memoir on a subject related to overseas geological sciences.


Prizewinner 2021: Gerben VAN RANST (A Contribution to the Study of Passive Margin Evolution from a Thermochronological Perspective: Case Studies from the South-eastern Brazilian and Central African Atlantic Margins)


Marthe Engelborghs-Bertels Prize for Sinology

A new prize was set up in 2016 at the request of late Mrs Engelborghs-Bertels to promote the study of sinology in Belgium and Europe. This prize of 12,500 € will be awarded every 5 years to the author of a memoir of great scientific value on a subject related to China in the broader sense of the word.



Prizewinner 2023: Gabriele TOLA (John Fryer and The Translator’s Vade-mecum: New Perspectives on the History of Modern Chinese Scientific and Technical Lexicon)


General Manager Fernand Suykens Prize for Port Studies

On the accession of Fernand Suykens, former President of the Academy, to the title of "Honorary General Manager", a prize has been set up in order to promote studies on sea ports in developing countries. This prize, amounting to 2,500 euro,  is intended to reward the author of a highly valued scientific memoir on a subject related to port economy, port management or port techniques.


The applications for this Prize must absolutely reach the Academy's secretariat 
by February 1, 2025 at the latest.


Prizewinner 2022: Joost HINTJENS (Cooperation between Seaports concerning Hinterland Transport)


Jean-Jacques and Berthe Symoens Prize for Tropical Limnology

On the occasion of the retirement of Professor Jean-Jacques Symoens, former Permanent Secretary, a prize has been set up. This prize, amounting to 2,500 euro, is intended to reward the author of a highly valued scientific memoir on a subject related to tropical limnology.



Prizewinner 2023: Claudia ORTIZ-SEPÚLVEDA (Linking Microevolutionary and Macroevolutionary Processes in the Diversification of Freshwater Mollusks from the East African Rift)


Yola Verhasselt Prize for Tropical Geography 

On the occasion of the academic retirement of Professor Yola Verhasselt, Permanent Secretary from 1995 until 2005, the Academy has set up a prize named "Prize for tropical Geography Yola Verhasselt". This three-year prize of 2,500 euro consists of a travel credit for financing a field work on tropical geography.



Prizewinner 2020: Sofie ANNYS (De kosten en baten voor de landbouwers uit het Ribb Irrigatie en Drainage Project in Noordwest Ethiopië)


Romain Yakemtchouk Prize for International Relations Studies

In 2014, a prize has been set up to keep alive the memory of Professor Romain Yakemtchouk and of his work. This three-year prize of 2,500 € will reward the author of a doctoral thesis on a subject related to international relations or peace issues. Special emphasis should be given to the overseas countries.



Prizewinner 2021: Eva WILLEMS (Open Secrets & Hidden Heroes: Violence, Citizenship and Transitional Justice in (Post-)Conflict Peru)


Floribert Jurion scholarship

The Floribert Jurion scholarchip has been set up in order to pay tribute to Floribert Jurion's agronomic and zootechnic work. Its aim is to contribute to the training of Belgian students registered in a Belgian university for the degree of agricultural engineer or veterinary surgeon. This scholarship amounting to 1 000 euro is intended for training periods in a developing country.


Beneficiary 2023: Diego ASVESTAS (In Search of Resilient Vanilla Species in Times of Climate Change (Costa Rica))